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People need to learn more about how this culture works. 

Cristina Rasera, SESC BG

I'm so glad to see this message spreading, it is incredible to see it all recorded forever. Jaspion, producer and researcher

Jaspion, produtor e pesquisador

It is a documentary to the world to see! It has opened a door for great things

P.MC, Rapper

The film is really beautiful, emotional, it's important and necessary

Boca Migotto, director and writer

Poster Lançamento Documentáro Nem Eu Sei Tudo


A collective born by the love for Hip Hop culture, in one of the most contradictory places of all. They tirelessly seek to foster and strengthen this culture in the region, taking their name all over on Brazil and the world. Facing all kinds of prejudices, together, they persist in the battle to be better for others. Because they believe that culture is not about what we like, but what can really change lives.



It is, above all, a Hip Hop collective. It is a brand that defends culture in its original form and is also a producer of events. Created by people who actively participate in the spread of Hip Hop, Nest has as a differential its clothing, accessories and events geared to culture. Since 2009 when it was founded, until today, doing it with your own hands and maintaining it's essence.




It all started as a great adventure, our first documentary, our first opportunity to give voice to something we really believe in. It was a journey of discovery and learning, to make this not only becoming true, but the way we believe it deserves, all even before the first "REC". When we dived into the day-to-day, in it's reality, events and trips to recordings we were completely surprised. We've seen within the elements of Hip Hop far beyond what we anticipated. An unconditional love, an extremely strong connection of people, feelings and ideologies. We were face to face with realities so different from ours, with incredible stories and people really willing to make it happen with all their heart. We are very grateful to receive this gift through Nest Panos.

We spent approximately 2 years in all the process, intensely involved in this universe. And as we got to know the power of this culture, we also got to see the struggles it suffers. Unfortunately, something that became very striking for us, was the prejudice, prejudice against the unknown and along with it our eternal respect for this culture and it's battle.

Therefore, "N.E.S.T" has become a film far beyond the Nest Panos or Hip Hop, it is about persistence, about decades of resistance and mainly about what we want for the future. - often the most important thing we can do, is not to give up -
We hope that it can contribute to Hip Hop culture and others, inspiring more and more people to make things happen in which they believe in to happen, that persistence at some point becomes progress. In our point of view, a good documentary should raise questions, if by watching it, you raised at lest one, we did a good job. Because it is exactly when we question something and see a problem that we are ready for the next step. Finding a solution.


- Diego Gheno, Fernanda Turchetto, Lucas de Souza


Diego Gheno, Pedro Festa, William Balestrim / production

Each one of them since the first day of the project has carefully ensured everything for this story to happen. Taking care from the human side up to all bureaucracies to make that dream come true. 


Fernanda Turchetto director

(story and photography)

"I've always seen stories as one of the most powerful things in the world." Stories can inspire crowds, change nations, stories are what move us daily. Having the opportunity to tell this story was something really amazing, because I really believe that it can positively inspire many people. So in fact, together at Ancora, we decided each moment and what piece of the puzzle would be necessary to compose the storyline, where we would take you to and the message we would like to leave.


Lucas de Souza, Diego Gheno, Eduarda Jacobs, Fernanda Turchetto / cinematographers

The recording process was certainly a fantastic experience. We got to know people, places, cultures, languages, slang, accents and feelings, that we didn't have until that point, and it all enhanced us personally. That is what we want to show, adding a new way of thinking, a responsible way to do things, because we are all a part of the environment where we live in. It was exactly this affection and immersion in each moment that gave us this vivid and significant film.


Fernanda Turchetto, Lucas Tonezer, Eduarda Jacobs / editor

Transforming chaos into order and then writing a story. it is the sensitivity of the editors that gives us a real immersion and above all, a really meaningful story. They are the ones who carefully made each decision to reveal the sculpture below all the marble.


Rafael Frozi / graphic art

We invited Rafael because we knew the incredible work that would add to all the material in the documentary. He really jumped in to it and delivered a unique identity that became beyond the documentary, clothing caps and a whole new identity to the brand.


NEST Panos Collective

André de Almeida, Bernardino, Bruna Ferreira, Dj Bugz, Pedro Festa, Ramoniele Silva, William Balestrin, Zion.



B.Boy Alex (Essência Crew), B.boy Jé (ZR Braskers), B.boy Porteño, B.boy Neo, B.boy Chomba, B.Girl Carito, B.Girl Camila Soro, Casper (Back Spin Crew), P.MC, Luan Dalmasso, Marina Bernal, Mano Davisão, Marcello Gugu, Marcus Flávio, Mc Miliano, Mirley Allef, Neto (Síntese), Rodrigo Almeida, Rastamar, Smile, Virgínia Segueira


Stephan Martins (português - inglês), Virgínia Serqueira (português - espanhol), Pedro Festa (espanhol - portuguesa)

Recorded Events

Em Bento Gonçalves: 910 Block Party, Battle in The Cypher 10 anos, Bento em Dança, Do Livro ao Rap, Maratona Urbana, Sesc Hip Hop. 

Battle in The Cypher ( Dourados - MS, Diadema - SP, Assunção - Paraguai, Montevidéu - Uruguai.

Special Thanks to

Associação Cultural Bento em Dança, Casa do Hip Hop de Diadema, Chillin, Coletivo Clan-Destinos, Dom Quixote Livraria, Fundação Casa das Artes, Locotest Crew, Matias Ligato, Power Caps, Real Feeling, Integração Hip Hop, Back Spin Crew.



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